Juggling your roles as a young wife – MK4 EP08

According to a report from Bright Horizons, 52% of women are facing burnout from the weight of household responsibilities.

The mental load, also known as “worry work” is a term for the invisible labor involved in managing a household and family.

– Being in charge of the never ending to do list
– Remembering what needs to  be done and when
– Delegating and making sure it gets done

People often say that stress kills and statistics, unfortunately, support this claim. Individuals under constant stress have a 50% higher mortality rate. (Journal of Aging Research)

Women often get caught up with trying to do and be everything for the following reasons:
1. Guilt
2. Unrealistic expectations
3. Perfectionism
4. Fear of disappointing people

Is it possible to live a balanced life?

To know more, please watch this new episode…

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